Supervisor Bartleson called the board of supervisors meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Roll call showed Supervisors Kmetz and Bartleson were present. Chairman Steffen has been excused and is communicating via text while watching the online stream.

Last month’s minutes for the previous month were reviewed as written. Supervisor Kmetz made a motion to accept the previous month’s minutes, with a second by Supervisor Bartleson and all supervisors voting yes.

The Treasurer’s Report was given by Shayla Gouger and is on file as well as posted on the back wall. Supervisor Kmetz made a motion to accept the treasurers report with a second by Supervisor Bartleson and all supervisors voting yes.

Shayla presented the Proposed Budget for 2024 with an overview of proposed Revenue and Expenditures for 2024. The Proposed Budget will be posted for public view. A motion was made by Supervisor Bartleson to advertise the proposed budget for 2024, with a second from Supervisor Kmetz, and all supervisors voting yes.

A request to place an ad for a CPA for our 2023 Audit was made by Shayla Gouger. Supervisor Kmetz made a motion to place an ad for a CPA for the audit, with a second from Supervisor Bartleson and all supervisors voting yes.

Bill List number #11 was presented. Supervisor Kmetz made a motion to pay bill list with a second by Supervisor Bartleson and all supervisors voting yes.

Police Report was given by Officer Bertholf and is on file.

Fire Report was not given. No one was present.

Ambulance Report was not received prior to the meeting. November meeting of PPH will be the 6-month review.

Road Report was given by Road Master Kmetz and is on file. Reminder to the township that we have a metal dumpster available to anyone in the township. The monies raised would be donated to local charities. Please feel free to use it during daylight hours. Building update is that we are still waiting for prints to be made. Supervisor Kmetz and Bartleson met with Justin Hoffman to set up a plan. We are currently waiting for Highhouse Energy to come check the tank and propane lines.

Public Comment Mike Kuzmiac Jr. presented that he would like to change the zoning on the old ambulance property that he has purchased. Solicitor Treat stated Spot Zoning is not permitted to just change one single lot in a general area, it must be a large, designated area that gets changed. Mike was advised that he is looking more to have a Conditional Use Hearing to change any current restrictions. Paul stated that he and Mike have had conversations about the property and that he advised Mike to come to the meeting to ask the supervisor’s thoughts on the rezoning request. Chairman Steffen asked via text if the use of the property is within the uses of the zoned area. Paul stated that it was.

Correspondence The Township received its normal newsletters, pamphlets, brochures, and magazines. Wayne County Historical Society sent a thank you letter for our donation. That is hanging on the front wall. Wallenpaupack North Intermediate School invited all the veterans to a community event on Monday November 13th at the high school. We received a letter from PA Department of Transportation in response to a request from Chairman Steffen and Ned Sader concerning a speed limit change along the stretch of road in front of Harmony in the Woods. The letter states that after running studies, PA Department of Transportation feels that the speed limit should remain the same as motorists are flowing along the strip as they intended.

Zoning Report was given by Paul Natale for the month. Wallenpaupack Brewing Company has had a complaint filed against them about locked fire exit doors. This complaint came via Hawley Borough. On October 5th Paul spoke with the staff and suggested to them to keep the door unlocked and that he would get specific answers for the Brewing Company. On October 9th Paul received instructions from NEIC saying a sign should be placed on the door to say the door should remain unlocked if the room is occupied. On October 12th Paul returned, handed paperwork to staff and they in turn gave him Becky Ryman’s, the owner, email. She was then emailed on Octobe 16th with all the information, including the complaint. On October 19th Paul again goes to the building, the door is locked, no sign. After speaking with the manager, he is asked to leave Wallenpaupack Brewing Company and asked not to harass the employees by Maurice Ryman via a phone call. He was very unhappy and yelled at Paul. He wouldn’t let him even speak when on the phone. Paul tries to call Becky the following day and gets Maurice on the phone. They somewhat smooth things over. Paul then speaks to Ken Shiner who built that portion of the building. Ken says that they will investigate and decide. This is a black and white answer according to Paul. On November 1, Ken Shiner states that after investigation Wallenpaupack Brewing Company is to put a push bar on the door. Paul is frustrated as this has now become ongoing issue of people not respecting what is determined by him and the Zoning Office. Solicitor Treat states this is an ongoing problem in a lot of townships. People have become very short and rude with township zoning offices. Chairman Steffen via text asks if a sternly worded letter should be sent to the brewery. Solicitor Treat states we should give them time to install the push bar, then take appropriate action should it not be installed. Chairman Steffen states via text that this issue is about the safety of the public and the township. A motion was made by Supervisor Kmetz for Paul to follow up at the Wallenpaupack Brewing Company in 14 days to make sure that the push bar is properly installed on the door in question, with a second from Supervisor Bartleson and all supervisors voting yes.

A workshop for Short Term Rental Ordinance and Pool Applications is to be held in the month of November. The date selected was November 13th at 6:30pm. (Please note immediately following meeting we realized this was the same date as the Veterans celebration at Wallenpaupack North Intermediate School. This workshop was moved to November 20, at 6:30pm). This is a closed meeting and will not be open to the public.

Paul also advised the BOS that there is a pending lawsuit against NEIC with a deck inspection. The homeowner is suing NEIC and we are not named in the suit as we are not the inspectors.

The Planning Commission has nothing to report.

Report of Digitizing Records was given by Paul Natale. Emergency Management has nothing to report.

The Solicitor’s Report - The hearing went off without a hiccup. Paul was well prepared, and the testimony was a slam dunk. The judgement was ruled in the townships’ favor immediately. This fine has been received from Gravity Road property owner.

Mr. Treat has made changes to the Short-Term Rental ordinance for our workshop and will be sending it out via email for overview.

Final Call for Public Comment - Gary VanOrden asked if the quarry was allowed to work outside of designated times this past weekend. Joe stated that they were looking to finish some large road projects before the deadline and after talking with the other supervisors they decided to allow them to open. Chairman Steffen will not be present for December Meeting.

Supervisor Kmetz made a motion to adjourn at 7:10 PM with a second by Chairman Steffen and all Supervisors voting yes.

Next scheduled meeting is Monday December 4, 2023, at 6:30 PM.